Ingenuity Arts website architecture
This is an experimental book project (i.e. it needs a good editor and designer, etc.) that reflects ideas and practices I am actively exploring. The book has three sections that cover a basic explanation of complexity theory, how it might impact leadership thinking, and finally a set of practices or arts that can be used directly even if you don't care about the theory or organizational design aspects, a kind of liberal arts for building organizations in turbulent times.
The style is accessible, it's short, pocket size, and available in a variety for formats. Give it a read. I would be happy to hear from you.
(2009) 120 pages. Soft cover. ISBN: 978-0-9812120-0-5
McMaster Innovation Press (Canada hard copy)
(PDF and US hard copy)
Here is the Kindle ebook version available at Let me know if you have any problems with it.
In honour of complexity, see the entire contents of the book below rendered as a wordle where the most common terms are the biggest.