
Innovation Networks

Innovation projects are blurring the boundary between those who are inside an organization and those who are outside. Social media has long (in internet time) leaped this boundary and there are no signs of it slowing. Here are some examples of places where people with ideas and expertise can get involved in projects for large organizations without every becoming part of the larger borg.
Nine Sigma allows you to respond to RFP's from a range of industries. Innovation Exchange (UK) brokers solution providers and enterprises that need innovation. Innovation Exchange (Ireland) is another variation. MITX is MIT's innovation exchange interface.Innovation Relay Centres operate in 71 locations throughout Europe and South America. Your Encore is a brokering site for retired experts who have capabilities that companies are eager to tap into.These enterprises utilize the high-connectivity of the web to better match problems to people who can solve them without them needing to become formal employees.

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